Can You Eat Lemon Peel?

can you eat lemon peel

Many people can be seen eating lemon peels. Some may think they are eating lemon peels to alleviate hunger pangs, while others believe it helps with digestion or increases their appetite. But does lemon peel really have any benefits?

Lemons are packed with potassium and vitamin C, which are incredibly beneficial for the body. They aid in boosting the immune system. We often discard the peels after consuming lemons. However, do you know that, like lemons, their peels also offer health benefits?

Benefits of lemon peels:

According to research, lemon juice is highly beneficial. However, when you consume lemon peel along with the juice, the benefits are doubled.

Lemon peels contain vitamin A, E, C, B6, riboflavin, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

You can store lemon peels in the fridge.

You can mix lemon peels with soup, salad, or pasta.

can you eat lemon peel

Frozen lemon peels can be chopped and added to tea, juice, or smoothies.

Dried and ground lemon peels can also be used in skincare routines.

Eating lemon peel provides significantly more health benefits than just consuming the lemon itself. After various tests, it has been found that lemon peel contains almost 5-10 times more vitamin content than the lemon. 

It also contains beta-carotene, folate, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which have various health benefits, such as:

Enhancing Immune Function

Several studies have shown that the dietary fibre and vitamin C found in lemons, when they enter the body, strengthen the body's immune defences. As a result, the body becomes robust in defending against various diseases, both big and small. Consequently, even infections are kept at bay. It also helps in preventing colds, flu, and throat infections.

Keeping Kidney Stones at Bay

Research has shown that regularly consuming lemon peels can increase the levels of citric acid in the body. This increase can help prevent the formation of kidney stones. Even if the likelihood of developing kidney stones is not a concern, making it a habit to eat lemon peels can be a wise choice for those who want to avoid such health issues!

Reducing the Onset of Constipation

Lemon peels, with their dietary fibre content, are something that, when consumed, shows quick results in reducing the onset of constipation-like conditions. Along with that, issues like ulcers and acid reflux also diminish. So, for those who struggle every morning with the discomfort of passing stool, including lemon peels in their daily diet is not just an option but a necessity!

Keeping Deadly Diseases Like Cancer at Bay

The presence of Solavetivone Q40 and Limonene in lemon peels plays a significant role in destroying cancer cells. Therefore, consuming lemon peels regularly reduces the chances of cancer cell formation in the body. It doesn't stop here; eating lemon peels also diminishes the risk of bacterial and fungal infections.

Improving Oral Health

When there is a deficiency of Vitamin C, it can lead to an increase in the incidence of several oral health problems. Therefore, experts recommend regularly consuming lemon peels because they contain an abundance of Vitamin C and citric acid. These elements play a significant role in reducing the risk of conditions like bleeding gums, gingivitis, and other oral diseases.

Enhancing Blood Circulation Throughout the Body

Consuming lemon peels initiates changes within the body that lead to an overall improvement in blood circulation. Consequently, the presence of oxygen-rich blood in every nook and cranny of the body boosts its overall functionality, effectively keeping various diseases at bay.

Pectin, a substance abundantly present in lemon peels, aids in weight management when consumed regularly. This element helps in speeding up the process of shedding excess fat, as it effectively reduces the presence of excess cholesterol in the body.

Boosting Heart Health

The presence of a substance called Polyphenol in lemon peels reduces the levels of bad cholesterol in the body. On the other hand, the potassium in lemons helps regulate blood pressure. As a result, the risk of heart-related issues naturally decreases. So, for those with a family history of cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart diseases, incorporating lemon peels into their daily diet is highly recommended. You'll see the benefits.

Enhancing Liver Function

In several studies, it has been observed that when you start consuming lemon peels regularly, the level of antioxidants in the body increases to such an extent that it begins to remove the toxic substances accumulated in the liver. As a result, the liver's functionality is improved without much delay.

Strengthening  Bones

Starting to consume lemon peels gradually enhances bone health due to the abundance of Vitamin C and calcium. Along with that, the risk of diseases like inflammatory polyarthritis, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis diminishes as well.

Enhancing Skin Beauty

In multiple case studies, it has been observed that the antioxidants present within lemon peels help eliminate toxic substances that reside beneath the skin. Consequently, it naturally initiates the process of reducing skin ageing. Along with that, wrinkles decrease, and the skin becomes firmer, which is why dermatologists often recommend daily consumption of lemon peels after reaching the age of 30.

Improving Digestive Power

Fibre plays a significant role in enhancing the digestive power of any food. Lemon peels are rich in this element, making them particularly effective in alleviating various digestive problems, from indigestion to gas and acidity. This natural component works wonders for anyone facing any kind of digestive issue.

Reducing Stress Levels

The presence of citrus bioflavonoids in lemon peels allows them to enter the body and exhibit effects that begin to reduce oxidative stress. As a result, the overall well-being of both the mind and the body is enhanced. So, from now on, whenever you feel that your body isn't coping well, just quickly consume a bit of lemon peel, and you'll see the benefits.

Discovering Lemon Peel Benefits: No More Waste

Lemon offers many health advantages. That's why many people keep lemons regularly in their homes. However, lemon peels are even more powerful than lemon juice. Research has shown that lemon peels contain approximately 5-10 times more vitamins than the lemon itself. Additionally, lemon peels contain extra nutrients such as beta-carotene, folate, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, all of which are highly beneficial for our bodies.

Experts say that lemon peels contain nutrients that are very beneficial for our health. Moreover, lemon peels contain compounds that can help prevent complex diseases.

How to Add Lemon Peels to Your Diet? 

Incorporating lemon peel into your diet can enhance the flavour of your meals and provide numerous health benefits. Here's a detailed guide on how to add lemon peel to your diet:

can you eat lemon peel

1. Lemon Zest: The simplest way to use lemon peel is by grating it to create lemon zest. You can zest the lemon directly onto various dishes or use a fine grater to extract the outer yellow layer, avoiding the bitter white pith beneath. Lemon zest can be added to:

  •  Salads: Sprinkle lemon zest on fresh green salads or fruit salads for a burst of citrus flavour.

  •  Pasta: Toss lemon zest into your pasta dishes to brighten up the flavours.

  • Grilled Vegetables: Enhance the taste of grilled vegetables by adding lemon zest before serving.

  • Roasted Meats: Lemon zest works well as a seasoning for roasted or grilled meats.

2. Infused Water: Add a few strips of fresh lemon peel to a jug of water or iced tea. This infusion will provide a subtle, refreshing citrus note.

3. Candied Lemon Peel: To make candied lemon peel, start by blanching the lemon peel strips in boiling water. Then, simmer them in a sugar syrup until they become translucent. Afterward, roll them in sugar. These sweet and tangy candied peels can be enjoyed as a snack or used as a dessert topping.

4. Lemon Oil: Create your lemon-infused olive oil by steeping lemon peels in a bottle of extra-virgin olive oil. This lemon oil is ideal for:

  • Salad Dressings: Use lemon-infused oil as the base for homemade salad dressings.

  • Marinades: Include lemon oil when marinating meats, poultry, or tofu for added depth of flavour.

5. Homemade Lemon Seasoning: Mix dried lemon peel with herbs and spices of your choice. This homemade lemon seasoning can be used for:

  • Seasoning: Sprinkle it on grilled meats, fish, or roasted vegetables.

  • Marinades: Incorporate it into marinades and rubs for meats or tofu.

6. Baking: Lemon peel is an excellent addition to various baked goods. When baking, you can:

  • Cakes: Add lemon zest to cake batters for a zesty twist.

  • Muffins and Cookies: Incorporate lemon zest into muffin or cookie recipes for a fresh citrus flavour.

When using lemon peel in your diet, remember to wash lemons thoroughly to remove any potential pesticide residues. Whenever possible, choose organic lemons for a cleaner and safer option. With these versatile methods, you can make lemon peel a delicious and healthy part of your culinary repertoire. Enjoy experimenting and discovering the unique taste and health benefits it offers!

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, embracing the consumption of lemon peels unveils a treasure trove of health benefits that have often gone unnoticed. Beyond their zesty flavour and refreshing aroma, these vibrant citrus skins prove to be a versatile and nutritious addition to your diet. 

From fortifying the immune system to supporting heart health and promoting radiant skin, lemon peels offer a range of compelling reasons to reconsider tossing them aside. So next time you ponder, "Why would you eat a lemon peel?" Remember, they're a remarkable source of vitality that deserves a place in your culinary repertoire.

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